演出時間:2021年10月9日 19:30
今年是中國共產(chǎn)黨成立一百周年。北京國際音樂節(jié)攜手中國音 樂家協(xié)會交響樂團聯(lián)盟,合力推出 BMF 節(jié)日樂團—交響樂聯(lián) 盟交響合唱音樂會,獻禮黨的百年華誕,致敬百年征程,歌頌 偉大時代。
中國共產(chǎn)黨的一百年,是矢志踐行初心使命的一百年,是篳路 藍縷奠基立業(yè)的一百年,是創(chuàng)造輝煌開辟未來的一百年。在我 黨的奮斗歷程中,誕生了一大批偉大的紅色文藝作品,這些作 品記錄著時代,承載著信仰,彰顯著力量。在本場音樂會中, 十余首創(chuàng)作于各個時期的經(jīng)典歌曲,著力展現(xiàn)建黨百年的經(jīng)典 之聲,通過歌曲旋律,喚起觀眾對于百年奮斗歷程的共鳴。從 贊頌革命圣地的《延安頌》,到贊美豪邁戰(zhàn)斗的《婁山關》; 從氣勢磅礴的《保衛(wèi)黃河》,到情感深厚的《我的祖國》;從 歷久彌新的《東方紅》到時代新聲《不忘初心》,每一段旋律 都昭示著中國共產(chǎn)黨的一段輝煌歷史,每一首歌曲都盛贊著偉 大復興的歷史腳步。
在第二十四屆北京國際音樂節(jié)開幕音樂會的舞臺上,由來自全 國各省市自治區(qū)的城市的 20 個交響樂團的 100 位黨員演奏家 特別組建的中國音樂家協(xié)會交響樂聯(lián)盟——BMF 節(jié)日樂團, 用真誠、精湛的演奏,深度詮釋文化自信的精神內涵。
At the centenary of the Communist Party of China, the BMF and the China Musicians Association Symphony Orchestra Alliance jointly and proudly present “Under the Brilliant Sun”, a festive symphonic-choral concert performed by the China Musicians Association Symphony Orchestra Alliance-BMF Festival Orchestra as a tribute to the Party in homage to her great journey through a century of vicissitude and in praise of the great era we live in.
In the hundred-year journey, the Communist Party of China has always remained committed to her mission, laying the foundation for and creating the brilliant present and bright future of a great nation. The endeavor has inspired many works of literature and art which faithfully record their time, declare our faith, and convey the strength we have. This concert features a dozen songs composed across the hundred years. These classics demonstrate through memorable melodies the great aspiration and achievements of the Party that resonate in every listener’s heart. From The Ode to Yan’an that praises the sacred site of revolution to Loushan Pass that celebrates the great battle there, from the overwhelming Defend the Yellow River to the emotional My Motherland, from the evergreen The East is Red to the new Remain True to Our Original Aspiration, these songs demonstrate passages in the history of the Party and praise the historic steps of the great rejuvenation.
In the grand opening of the 24th BMF, 100 musicians, all Party members, from 20 orchestras from all over the country join hands to create the BMF Festival Orchestra. With sincerity and virtuosity, they are ready, unified as one, to interpret the spirit of cultural confidence with wholehearted devotion.
1. 管弦樂與合唱
陜北民歌 作詞:李有源
集體作詞 ( 賀慈航執(zhí)筆 ) 作曲:印青
2. 管弦樂與合唱
作詞:張士燮、喬羽 作曲:時樂濛
3. 管弦樂與合唱
作詞:毛澤東 作曲:田豐
4. 管弦樂與合唱
作詞:莫耶 作曲:鄭律成
5. 管弦樂與合唱
作詞:光未然 作曲:冼星海
6. 管弦樂與合唱
作詞:張永枚 作曲:肖民
7. 管弦樂與合唱
作詞:喬羽 作曲:劉熾
8. 管弦樂與合唱
作詞:喬羽 作曲:劉熾
作詞:管樺 作曲:瞿希賢
9. 管弦樂與合唱
作詞:蕉萍 作曲:朱踐耳
10. 管弦樂聯(lián)奏(不間斷演奏)
11. 管弦樂與合唱
作詞:朱海 作曲:舒楠
樂團:中國音協(xié)交響樂聯(lián)盟 -- BMF 節(jié)日樂團
1. Orchestra and Chorus
The East is Red
North Shaanxi Folk Song Lyrics: Li Youyuan
In the Bright Sun
Lyrics: Collective Composition Music: Yin Qing
2. Orchestra and Chorus
The Boat on the South Lake, the Cradle of the Party
Lyrics: Zhang Shixie, Qiao Yu Music: Shi Lemeng
3. Orchestra and Chorus
Loushan Pass
Lyrics: Mao Zedong Music: Tian Feng
4. Orchestra and Chorus
Ode to Yan’an
Lyrics: Mo Ye Music: Zheng Lvcheng
5. Orchestra and Chorus
Defend the Yellow River
Lyrics: Guang Weiran Music: Xian Xinghai
6. Orchestra and Chorus
People’s Army Is Loyal to the Party
Lyrics: Zhang Yongmei Music: Xiao Min
7. Orchestra and Chorus
My Motherland
Lyrics: Qiao Yu Music: Liu Chi
8. Orchestra and Chorus
Let Us Swing the Oars
Lyrics: Qiao Yu Music: Liu Chi
Mom’s Stories of the Past
Lyrics: Guan Hua Music: Qu Xixian
9. Orchestra and Chorus
Sing a Mountain Song for the Party
Lyrics: Jiao Ping Music: Zhu Jian’er
10. Orchestra
On the Field of Hope,
Night at the Naval Port,
The Story of Spring
Music: Shi Guangnan, Liu Shizhao, Wang Yougui
11. Orchestra and Chorus
Remain True to Our Original Aspiration
Lyrics: Zhu Hai Music: Shu Nan
Zou Ye, arrangement
Lanzhou Concert Hall Choir
China Musicians Association
Symphony Orchestra Alliance-BMF
Festival Orchestra
Zhang Guoyong, conductor |